April fool’s day

Well it’s that time of year again… the time of year when all the clowns come out to play.
I don’t have any pranks up my selves (or do I?), though I have found some pretty good ones by other people/companies. Make sure you know all kinds of jokes, even one of these Dyslexic jokes that are hilarious and can totally make some friends laugh for a while.

Google Jail

Google came out this year with “Google Jail”, in which Google plans on creating the next generation of US prisons, for more information on that see the quote below…

Google Jail for Communities

Google is planning to launch an experiment that we hope will make prisons better for everyone. We plan to test ultra high-tech incarceration facilities in one or more trial locations across the country. We will deliver Googleplex-quality services 100 times better than what most American prisoners have access to today, including fiber-to-the-cell connections. We’ll offer service to at least 50,000 and potentially up to 500,000 inmates.

From now until June 1st, we’re asking interested municipalities to provide us with information about their prison infrastructure and crime rates through a Request for Information (RFI), which we’ll use to determine where to build our jails.


Youtube TEXTp

Have you ever thought “Youtube must be very expensive to host, I wonder how I could help pay for it”, well now you can! With the TEXTp option you can view videos as text only, saving Youtube $1/second! See this blog post for more information: http://youtube-global.blogspot.com/2010/03/textp-saves-youtube-bandwidth-money.html

Here’s an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_xVXQCrPxQ&textp=fool (note that youtube has taken away this feature)

How to prank someone’s food

I found this step by step guide on how to prank someone’s food for April fool’s day by Howcast, enjoy!

That’s all for now, Happy April fool’s day everybody!

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